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Business Plan

High School Outreaches

Skateboard Parks Outreach

Outreaches through Skateboards

At the Skate Park

At the Skate Park

There are many nefarious influences, not the least of which are gang influencers and even recruiters. Most of these kids are fatherless and gangs seem so natural for them to grow up in. We visit these parks weekly and bring another INFLUENCER, The Lord’s Spirit.

We outreach to them

We outreach to them

Outreach with the kids in the skateboard park. We buy them hamburgers and share the Love of Jesus with them. This day we had two that received Jesus.

At the Skate Shop

At the Skate Shop

Each Friday night, we buy pizza for the kids at the Sunland skateboard shop. This builds friendship and opens the door to minister Jesus into their lives. We are very burdened to reach these kids before they join gangs.

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