1st Letter to Pastors/ Leaders

Other Letter to Pastors/Leaders

This year we have done:
• 30 schools monthly.
• handed out 2500 Bibles.
• 2304 solid salvations this year.
• Bible Clubs are as big as 100 coming weekly.
• Doing multiple lunchtime assemblies
PRAY for Volunteers & Finances
Zelle: 213-820-8305
PAYPAL: pastorclayton@icloud.com
Mail: 9700 La Tuna Canyon Rd.. Sun Valley, CA 91352
Thank you for your heartfelt Kingdom work and Help. We so appreciate you.
I am an HIM Pastor (Harvest International Ministries), under Che Ahn of H. Rock. And I also working with Lou Engle, Ekbollo School. We currently are operating with a format, or "strategy that gets us into every high school across America". We would like to help you build you church, and youth group by presenting free training on how to get into your local high school, set up bible clubs, and lunchtime assemblies. In this year of 2023, we have had 2310 solid decisions for Christ. As well as distributing 2,500 Bibles.
We have lunchtime assemblies of 800 hearing the gospel, and our current weekly Bible Clubs have up to 100 in attendance.
A part of what we do is train churches laity To do High School outreaches and bring kids back to your local church, or youth group. There is no charge for this training.
We set up- the training in 3 formats:
1) We do a training at your church service, midweek service, or at a group meeting, (such as a men's meeting, women's meeting, youth meeting, home group meeting, etc.).
2) We make a 3 minute announcement during your church service and train those interested directly after the service for 40 minutes. We provide lunch.
3) We can schedule training at our men's home in Sunland, CA.
4) We have electronic training videos we can send you too.
We coach you to reach the local high schools near your church, and then your team leads and manages your own outreach.
As part of that, your church / team is invited to come alongside at the school we currently serve for training. (We do 7 school outreaches weekly)
Text me your response @ (213)-820-8305
Thank you dearly!
In service of King Jesus
Pastor Clayton Golliher, Executive Director of Campus Revolution of Love, a Ministry of Hope for Homeless Youth
Praise Report: Outreaches